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Job Seeker Tips

When job-seeking, there are a number of things that you can do to make yourself standout as a highly employable person.

Make Your Resume Shine!
Get someone to help you if resume writing and editing aren’t your strong-point.  Make sure that all of your information is up to date. Get someone to spell-check it for you and check the formatting and grammar.

Make Sure That Your Social Media Profile is CLEAN.
Make sure that your social media profiles ares clean from anything that a snooping employer might frown upon. Perhaps you posted some pictures from a questionable night out when you were younger and less discerning. Perhaps there is something controversial or political that could trigger cause for concern? Have you complained about a previous workplace in a social media post?  Adjust your privacy settings to protect your private photos and posts. 

Stay Positive:
Negative energy will reduce your chances of employment. Bosses prefer to employ workers who have positive attitudes. Don’t display a victim mindset or complain about a previous workplace.

Be Ready:
Sometimes timing can work strangely in your favour and a workplace will need to interview immediately and hire fast. Try to be flexible for the right opportunity.

Be Realistic:
Some people have been unemployed for years because they had expectations that were too high and therefore missed an entry point to an organisation where they may well have soon climbed to their preferred position.

Stand Out:
In some cases the best way to find that all-elusive job, is to be proactive and door knock. Meet your employer face-to-face and demonstrate that you have some tenacity. Clicking “apply” on a job board and uploading a resume might very well be the recommended process, but it also groups you as just another of the many applicants. This might still work for you if the timing is right and you have a great resume. If you are out-numbered and out-gunned, then you might need to demonstrate that you have something additional to bring to the party. That extra thing might be courage, tenacity and a winning personality! 

Mock Interview:
If you are nervous, ill-equipped or inexperienced, it might be worth practicing the interview process. Ask someone with experience to give you a mock-interview. 

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